Sunday School Program
Our Sunday school program runs September through May and meets in our classrooms from 10:15 am till 11:15 am. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with teaching and assisting the teachers. Our Sunday School includes children 3 years old through 8th grade.
The link below contains the registration form for the Sunday school participants.
Sunday School Registration Packet 2024-2025
Our Saviour's confirmation program is a two-year program that starts in the fall shortly after the school year and runs through the spring. The program is generally for Seventh graders (the junior class) and Eighth graders (the senior class). Our confirmation is usually on the first Sunday in May. We have a confirmation Sunday school class and then we meet on most Wednesday evenings during the school year. On Wednesdays we eat a meal together as a confirmation class with each confirmands mentor; we then worship together, and then we have class time together. The link below has the registration form, the class schedule, the confirmation covenant, and the acolyte responsibilities.
6th thru 12th Grades Youth Group
Our Youth Group is a combined 6th thru 12th-grade youth group. We meet once a month usually on a Sunday evening and often times at the church parsonage. Kelly Mundell and Kevin Mundell are our youth leaders. Refreshments are provided.
Cub Scouts
Our Saviour’s Church has been a charter organization for various Boy Scout and Cub Scout groups since 1939. Its staff, congregation members, and volunteers have been avid supporters of Scouting over those years. Currently, and since 2002, Cub Scout Pack 3735 has been chartered by Our Saviour’s Church.
Pack 3735 functions as asset and outreach to the Ripon community because of the support provided by the Our Saviour’s Congregation.
Vacation Bible School
Our Saviour's participates in a rotating ecumenical Vacation Bible School (VBS) involving other local churches known as the Ripon Area Vacation Bible School, which has an annual program for a week each summer.